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Expression in a Telephone Conversation

English telephone conversation involves lots of listening skills along with speaking skills. Because when communicating with the phone, we are only confronted with the voice and emotions of the other person, without being able to see the expression of the other person.

every individual is required to know a special greeting or phrase, commonly done in English telephone conversations. Whether it's a phone call or a phone call. Usually the greeting phrase used by both parties to engage in an English telephone conversation is to use a formal language.

For that we need to know the usual greeting sentence made during an english phone conversation.

How to start a phone conversation

A.   When Lifting and Telephone Answering
You can use some of these phrases when picking up the phone:
·         Hello?
·         Thank you for calling Hana Salon
This method is more formal and generally used by the receptionist of a place of business / company,
·         Good morning / afternoon / evening, Hana Salon, nina speaking.
this is a formal way of answering the phone.

B.   Introducing Self
During a telephone conversation, especially for those who do not know each other, there will be a time to introduce themselves, both from the side of the caller and the recipient. Here's how to introduce myself over the phone in English.
·         Hey Sisty. It's Indri calling
This is an informal way, and this is done by the caller.
·         Hello, this is Indri calling .
This is a semi-formal way that is generally done when we call to an institution, place of business, or company.

C.   Ask to connect to others
When we call and it turns out that the lift is not what we are headed, of course we will ask for help to connect to our destination. Here's how to pronounce it in English:
·         May I speak with Patrick, please?
This is a formal and polite way.
·         "Did Patrick come in?" Or "Is Patrick there?" Or "Can I talk to Patrick?".
The first two are informal ways while the latter are more polite.

D.    Request a repeat of words
Sometimes we are also less clear to hear speech and the words of the other person. To submit it in English, do the following:
·         Can you spell it for me?
·         Can it be repeated?
·         Can you wait a minute? I have an incoming call.

 End the Conversation
To submit it in English, do the following:
·         Thank you for calling.
·         I'll talk to you again soon. Bye.
·         Well, I guess I'd better get going. Talk to you soon.

Well there are some ways to receive or make phone calls using English

Example Phone Conversations
I: Hello
S: Ya, hallo , Sisty is here
I: It’s me sis , Indri
S: Pardon, who’s speaking ?
I: Indri , I-N-D-R-I
S: Hai indri , how are you?
I: I’am fine , where have you been ?
S: I have been searching for a job. Hmm…
I: Did you find what were you looking for?
S: Not yet , it’s so had to find a job this day. Hey indri, do youhave any advice for me ?
I: What kind of advice
S: How to get a job
I: You have to find a job that match with your skill . don’t push your self too hard
S: Okay , let’s forget about the job. I heard that there is a new cafe nearby, why don’t we go there?
I: That’s a good idea , let’s go!
S: Okay , let’s go.



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